Four yogic principles which can help create wealth for investors

 Four yogic principles which can help create wealth for investors

When our thoughts are calm and our mind in its natural state of tranquillity, we can take better decisions in life including financial decisions.

The world is waking up to benefits of Yoga with larger participation every year. This year on the International Yoga Day on June 21, 180 countries will take part and will open the door to a world of physical, mental and social well-being. While most people relate Yoga to asanas but there is more to yoga than this.
Asanas are but one of eight limbs of ‘Ashtang Yoga's laid out by the Indian Maharishi Patanjali, author of “The Yogasūtra”. They are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
So yes, asanas play a part in yoga, but they are certainly not the whole. Yoga not only helps you attain both a healthy mind and a healthy body, but you can also follow the very principles defined by our Maharishis thousands of years back to create wealth.
You may be wondering how Yoga is related to financial well-being? It’s overwhelming to know the vastness of the Yogic principles, its philosophy and its literature. “Yoga Chitta Vritti Niruddah” is Patanjali's definition of Yoga - It refers to stilling the mind in order to experience Ultimate Reality.
When our thoughts are calm and our mind in its natural state of tranquillity, we can take better decisions in life including financial decisions.
As a finance professional and certified Yoga trainer, I am intrigued by the connection between Yogic principles and investor psychology.
For instance, Yoga tells us that ‘Bhavas’ lead to the path of ultimate reality. Literally, the word 'Bhava' stands for feeling or attitude. Regular and repeated practice of Yoga techniques slowly enhances the accompanying 'Bhava' in one's personality.
Let’s have a look at the Bhavas and how it can be applied to investing, for wealth creation.
DHARMA - Duty & Right Conduct
It is said that one, who is always on the path of Dharma, is saved from all sorts of pains and sufferings. In investing too, it’s important to do your duty before you invest. Research well and invest basis your goals, investment horizon and risk profile.
Does this mean it is your dharma to know about fundamental & technical analysis before investing? The answer is NO.
However, it is your duty to identify the right expert so that your hard earned money grows. Make sure you check the success ratio before acting on expert advice.
JNANA - Knowledge and Understanding
In whatever you do, go into depths, understand and analyse it. A lot of times, people rely on hearsay and invest their hard earned money based on tips from friends/relatives expecting it to grow overnight.
When you typically make a buying decision — you read the features, compare prices, check out the product, seek various reviews and then finally make a purchase. But when it comes to investing, we invest impulsively without a thorough background check. For successful investing, you should either research well in the stock or rely on expert advice.
VAIRAGYA - Objectivity and Detachment
This is a state of detachment and egolessness. The elements of Vairagya Bhava are humility and 'let-go' attitude. For e.g. people tend to overreact to the news in stock markets that are only temporary in nature.
It’s important to detach yourself from the noise and consider it as buying opportunity if the underlying structural or fundamental story of the stock is intact.
AISHWARYA - Will-power and Self-reliance
This is the culmination of all the above three Bhavas. With the practice of Dharma, Jnana & Vairagya; Aishwarya is obtained. The individual becomes clearer in his life, developing strength, will power and self-reliance.
Therefore, when you do your Dharma/duty to select the right financial advisor, invest using the power of Jnana/knowledge and detach yourself from noise with Vairagya, you’re sure to achieve Aishwarya or a beautiful life with wealth and happiness.
On the eve of International Yoga Day, I would urge the investors that with efforts, all these Bhavas can be achieved & these simple yet powerful principles of Yogic Investing can help to plan your future optimally and create wealth.


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