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Sun, Sea and Yoga – The Best Detox Ever?

Sun, Sea and Yoga – The Best Detox Ever?

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Sun,-Sea-and-Yoga---The-Best-Detox-Ever2I know you can do yoga and meditate anywhere, however next to the Pacific Ocean I felt great energy which complimented my practice. I believe the waves bring powerful energy to us from the moon and from deep out to sea.  The waves cleanse my mind, body and soul.
Yesterday evening I took my travel yoga mat down by the shore at sunset. The molten silver sea complemented the bright pink sky. There was a peaceful energy and everything felt as it should be. The beach was quiet apart from a few surfers, horses and children playing.  I felt I was the only one there. I like to close my eyes when practising alone, but now and again I opened my eyes to see the ocean breathing up to me, whispering peaceful messages, then sinking back.  The prana in the fresh sea air was apparent when practising my pranayama.
My favourite meditation breathing at the moment is inhaling and focusing on the pause at the top of the breath, then exhaling and focusing on the pause at the bottom of the breath. My mind became very quiet and time and space seemed to disappear. I was pleasantly surprised when I quickly reached a blissful meditative state.
I opened my eyes just as the big orange sun began to sink behind the horizon. Om Shanti..Sun,-Sea-and-Yoga---The-Best-Detox-Ever3
This morning I woke up early to the sound of the heavy tropical rain. My favourite yoga alarm clock. I could smell the fresh rain on the trees, the air felt as if it had been cleansed.
I walked to the yoga shala on the beach next to the noisy, energetic waves. A wonderful yoga class soundtrack. The humid heat made the class like a natural hot yoga session. It felt good to sweat whilst the sea breeze made it comfortable.  The class felt more exotic as the teacher switched from Spanish to English so all the students could understand. Amidst the sound of the waves she explained the vinyasa flow using  ocean metaphors. We ´swam’ through the vinyasa and we made the ‘sound of the ocean’ when ujjah breathing.
The fresh, salty ocean breeze cooled my body and the beautiful oceans song lulled me into the peaceful shavasana.


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